Street lights not shining; capital city in dark after dusk

Saturday 27 July 2024 1:00 AM IST

In any city, water and light are the primary needs of the people. Unfortunately, most of the cities in Kerala are far behind in this regard. Even in the capital city of Thiruvananthapuram, there are complaints about non-lit street lights and frequent interruptions in water supply. In the capital, which is governed by the Municipal Corporation and twenty ministers, the situation is that when it gets dark, people need a torch in their hand to hit the road. Complaints related to non-lit street lights did not start yesterday or the day before There is no action other than saying that it will be fixed now. The situation is almost the same not only in Thiruvananthapuram but also in other cities of the state.

Crores are spent every year in the name of making city life pleasant. Apart from the fact that the money goes into the pockets of a few, the city dwellers are not getting any benefits.

There can be many reasons why the street lights are not lit. The main reason is that bulbs are not routinely replaced even after months. Maintenance of street lights etc. has been entrusted to contract companies. There are clear terms in the contract but nothing is followed. Even if the streetlights don't light up, the company won't check it, nor will the city officials persuade them to do it. The maintenance of street lights in the capital city has been entrusted to three contractors. It is reported that the contract amount of each company is 40 lakh rupees.

Despite paying huge sums of money, most of the street lights in the city are not lit. The city authorities, who have to ensure that the streetlights stay lit without interruption, are pretending that darkness is bliss. One of the main topics of discussion in the Municipal Corporation meetings is always related to unlit street lights. It was decided to use only LED lights after the discovery that ordinary tube lights being used were getting damaged easily. A plan was also prepared to implement the LED revolution by dividing the city of Thiruvananthapuram into three divisions. The project was started but could not be completed even after many years. The lights that were burning gradually turned off and the city slowly fell into darkness. Even in Shangumugham, which is visited by thousands of tourists every evening, the street lights have not been lit for months.

This is the situation in the capital and it is better not to mention the situation elsewhere. This is the result of officials who forget their duties and people who are unresponsive. For months, people have been complaining that the city is completely dark at dusk. Why is it that the Municipal Corporation and the Ministers are not intervening and finding a solution? Is it enough to light the city only on Onam days? Are there no eyes on the face of the ministers who are always scurrying through the darkened city roads, to understand that the city is completely dark? Can't they take action to keep at least the street lights on? Thieves, thugs and other anti-socials are the only ones who benefit from no street lights. It is the authorities themselves who prepare the right environment for their stroll without knowing it.
