Ex-Muslim organisation gathers steam in Kerala

Saturday 08 January 2022 1:46 AM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: A year after Muslims, who quit Islam and floated the organisation, 'ex-Muslims of Kerala' have now decided to observe every January 9 as Kerala 'ex-Muslim Day', said an office-bearer of the organisation.

C.K. Faisal, the office-bearer said that right now there are around 300 members in their organisation.

"The numbers are growing and the highlight is we have decided to reserve 50 per cent of office-bearer's posts for women, which includes the post of Secretary. Our organisation is in the growing stages and we are getting newer members and at the same time for obvious reasons, some members prefer to remain out of the limelight. Things will change as we grow," said Faisal.

The new organisation is making fresh announcements on January 9 at a press meet to be held at Kochi.
