Hate speech at rally; Popular Front state committee member arrested, child subjected to counselling

Sunday 29 May 2022 11:01 AM IST

ALAPPUZHA: Popular Front leader Yahiya Thangal has been arrested in the incident of a child chanting provocative slogans at the rally organised here. He is a state panel member. Thangal is the first state leader to be arrested in the case.

He was taken into custody from Kunnamkulam in Thrissur. Thangal of Perumbilavu was the chairman of Alappuzha Popular Front meet. Meantime, the ten-year-old- boy who chanted provocative slogans has been subjected for counselling.

He was subjected for counselling at the General Hospital in Ernakulam. The childline informed that if required, the boy would be subjected to counselling again. The child told police that he studied the slogans by heart and have chanted the same slogans earlier also.

The child’s parents will also be subjected for counselling. The boy’s father was arrested yesterday. He said that he used to attend Popular Front events with his family and that his son may have learned the slogans hearing at rallies.
