‘I didn’t kick him’; Speaker A N Shamseer responds on boy kicked for leaning on car

Friday 04 November 2022 12:11 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Speaker A N Shamseer and MLA responded on the incident of kicking a minor boy for leaning on a car. When the media asked about the police not taking a case and for not questioning the youth even after the CCTV visuals surfaced, Shamseer responded that he did not kick the boy and that he is not behind it.

A 20-year-old youth kicked the six-year-old boy for leaning on his car. He was identified as Mohammed Shehzad of Ponnyampalam. The youth was seen kicking on the boy’s chest. He attacked the boy after parking the car on the wrong side. At the time when he parked the car and came out, the boy identified as Ganesh, son of a Rajasthan couple, leaned on his car. He did not like it and kicked him. He said that the boy tried to attack his family, who were in the car. Some seeing this came forward and questioned the youth. A dispute broke out between them and after some time the youth left from there. There was a complaint that the police did not take action. He was summoned after some time and his car was taken into custody. When the incident stoked a controversy, the youth was taken into custody. It is alleged that action was delayed due to his political influence.

The child is now under treatment in the hospital. The people present there took him to the hospital. Meantime, child rights commission chairman K V Manoj Kumar the incident has been noticed and will interfere soon.

Ministers V Sivankutty and Veena George have also responded on the incident. Minister Veena said the youth’s act is highly objectionable and that the department of women and child development will provide support including legal assistance to the boy and his family and will ensure necessary medical treatment.

Minister V Sivankutty said humanity is not one which can be brought from the shop. The incident in Kannur is shocking. Kicking the boy for leaning on the car is a brutal act. All legal action will be taken. Such incidents should not be repeated, he said.
