Cop said Sharon prayed for a good life after marriage, investigating officers surprised to hear Greeshma's reply; gave him poison minutes after marriage

Tuesday 08 November 2022 12:41 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Greeshma, accused in the Sharon murder case, laughed and joked with the police while collecting evidence. She was taken to Vettukad Church where the two got married, for collecting evidence.

She showed the police the place where they tied the nuptial knot in Vettukad and the place where they took selfie. When the investigating officer said that he prayed for a good life after getting married, her reply surprised even the policemen. Greeshma replied with a smile that just the opposite happened.

She first tried to kill him in Veli. She admitted to the police that she laced poison in the juice minutes after the marriage. He spit the juice because of the taste difference.
