What gives Narendra Modi a good night’s sleep? These are the methods in Ayurveda he uses

Friday 16 December 2022 6:32 PM IST

Sleep is very vital for a healthy life. Most of the people are affected by lack of good sleep because of our modern lifestyle. In the World Ayurveda Congress, that was held recently, Narendra Modi said that the best remedy for lack of sleep is given in Ayurveda.

He said that lack of good sleep has affected people across the world. He explained that in Ayurveda there were methods to overcome this.

A good sleep in Ayurveda is called ‘Nidra’. Sleep is a form of rest for the body, mind, and the brain. This rest that the brain does to give rest to the body and mind is very crucial. Like humans, every animal sleep. Without sleep there the life won’t sustain. Therefore, sleep is part of the essence of animals. During sleep all the muscles in the body relaxes. However, this is the time when the brain works best.

Ayurveda gives some tips for a good sleep.

The first is a good daily routine. Only those who follow a good daily routine can have a good sleep says the Ayurveda. Therefore, cultivate a good lifestyle.

The second is good digestion. Digestion and sleep go hand-in-hand. If our supper is very light, then our sleep will also be deep.

Another tip is to drink some warm milk before going to bed. It will give good sleep. In addition, smelling something beautiful also lulls us to a good sleep. Also having an oil massage will provide good sleep.
