Online lottery ticket is fraud

Sunday 18 December 2022 12:29 AM IST

KOCHI: Fake online tickets, including Christmas Bumper worth Rs.16 crores, are being sold illegally and duping people. The business is run through website, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. People from other states are the victims mostly of this fraud.

The money should be paid through Google Pay. One ticket is being sold to more than one person. Only paper lottery with agency seal is approved. Those who are not aware of this fall prey to this fraud.

Fraudsters attract people by selling the online lottery at discount price. A Rs.40 ticket is sold for Rs.35. The practice in some states, for their promotions, giving lottery tickets as gifts has come to the notice of the department. It is illegal to do that.

According to the rules lottery can be purchased only directly by giving cash. Online transactions in lottery ticked is against the law. As lottery department do not have enforcement power, complaints will be given to the police. Currently, no action can be taken against online transactions. An amendment must be made for this.
