Kerala Kaumudi Online
Saturday, 27 July 2024 6.11 AM IST

The Guardian's false allegation


Around 20 key operatives of two terrorist movements, who had been living in Pakistan after carrying out flagrant terrorist activities in India, have been killed in the last three years. After every murder, Pakistan has accused India of being behind the murder. India's Ministry of External Affairs routinely dismisses these allegations with the contempt it deserve. India has often made it clear that it was not India's policy to go to another country's soil and kill someone. However, the British newspaper 'The Guardian' has raised the same allegation. According to the report published by the Guardian, India has killed Pakistani terrorists as part of its plan to kill terrorists abroad.

The newspaper claims that the report is based on documents and disclosures provided by Pakistani intelligence officials and conversations held with some Indian intelligence officials. How can the newspaper confirm whether the documents provided by the Pakistani authorities are true or fake? Pakistan's ISI is notorious for providing false documents and evidence. Almost the world is aware that they are the ones who provide shelter, accommodation and freedom of action to all the prominent terrorists of the terrorist organizations Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed.

The terrorists are living in the safety net prepared by the ISI. Most of the slain terrorists were shot dead by a nearby assassin. India believes that this could not have happened without the knowledge of the ISI and therefore they are responsible for the murder. All these murders took place on Pakistani soil. Not even one Indian has been arrested so far in the name of these murders. To date, Pakistan has not been able to show the world a single document that proves that India was behind these murders. Very few arrests have been made in Pakistan for such murders. One such murder was that of a terrorist named Shahid Latif who was shot dead in a mosque in Sialkot. Latif was shot dead d by a twenty-year-old youth from nearby the mosque. The arrested youth was a Pakistani national. Having nothing else to say in this regard, Pakistan claimed that it was the Indian intelligence agency RAW that carried out the murder by hiring this youth after giving him money in the UAE. The report published by the Guardian also repeated that these murders were carried out by RAW's sleeper cells in the UAE.

The report also stated that the functioning of this intelligence agency of India is under the direct control of Prime Minister Modi. This is to create an impression among the readers that PM Modi was behind these murders. The United States has a story to tell of secretly going to Pakistan with helicopters and killing terrorist leader Laden. India has no such thing to say. India fired missiles at Balakot after issuing a warning that it would retaliate. If terrorists are being killed anywhere, it can be said that they are reaping what they have sown. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar rightly responded to the Guardian report that such allegations are being raised against India as part of an anti-India campaign.

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