Bigg Boss is a reality show beloved by Malayali audiences. The sixth season, hosted by superstar Mohanlal, is currently airing. It commenced with 19 contestants who have showcased their skills in diverse fields. Recently, former contestant and film serial actress Yamuna Rani, who was evicted from the show, gave an interview to a YouTube channel.
In the interview, Yamuna Rani reiterated her stance on certain issues discussed during her time on Bigg Boss, affirming her continued support for her earlier statements.
"I still stand by what I said on Bigg Boss. The first two weeks of the program were led by Yamuna Rani. I was the center of attention during that time. I entered the game without a plan and provided content for people. After entering Bigg Boss, Jasmin and Gabri proceeded with a plan together. That's what I overheard them discussing. Their romance is also part of the strategy. That's all part of their game plan.
Now that I've watched some episodes, I feel like their plan has gotten out of control. It's all just an act. I don't know if straightforward thinkers like myself can survive in this game. Jasmin isn't hygienic. I've reminded her numerous times to take a shower. When I was on the kitchen team, I would kindly ask Jasmin to shower before coming.
Someone who speaks boldly and takes a stand should be able to handle minor comments. Why should I fear Jasmin? I'm not afraid of anyone in Bigg Boss. If Jasmin continues in the game without Gabrielle, she'll win. She's a talented girl. I had a special fondness for Jasmin," Yamuna Rani said.