Kerala Kaumudi Online
Thursday, 27 June 2024 12.28 AM IST

Striking a balance between standards and student well-being


The commencement of each academic year is a celebration of new beginnings, with approximately 250,000 first standard students stepping into the threshold of this festival of awakening. When considering those continuing their studies up to the higher secondary level, the total number of students reaches around 40 lakhs. However, this annual rite often burdens both children and teachers while offering solace to parents for various reasons. Unfortunately, it frequently serves as a damning indictment of the state's public education quality index.

The recent decision by the Public Education Department to enforce minimum marks for each subject in the SSLC examination signals a pivotal shift beginning this academic year. Despite objections raised by the teachers' and students' unions aligned with the government, Minister V Sivankutty affirmed that the decision stands firm, bolstered by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan's unwavering support. This move acknowledges the stark reality that among 10th class achievers, there are scholars who struggle even to write their own names without spelling errors in their mother tongue. It is anticipated that students and parents alike will grasp the intent behind this measure and the evolving demands of the times.

Numerous issues plague the school environment, from politicization to the alarming prevalence of drug use among children. The escalating graph of school-based crimes and crimes involving minors, as documented by the State Crime Records Bureau and corroborated by media reports, underscores this disturbing trend. Factors ranging from family dynamics to teachers' lack of vigilance contribute to this unsettling reality. In comparison to the past, today's children bear the brunt of excessive academic pressure and fierce competition.

Every parent must recognize that their children are not pawns to be thrust into the arena of competition on their behalf. Each child possesses a unique personality, aspirations, and dignity as an individual. It is imperative that our interventions do not inflict harm upon their self-esteem. Similarly, educators should view their students as their own offspring, necessitating an approach that acknowledges each child's physical and mental well-being. The government and the public must acknowledge that these children are the architects of tomorrow's future and thus, their nurturing should be characterized by caution and care above all else.

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