Kerala Kaumudi Online
Friday, 26 July 2024 2.25 AM IST

Addressing lessons from electoral defeat


Winning and losing in elections are not uncommon. Once winners don't always stay the same. Similarly, a front that is defeated once can come back with great strength. However, every defeat can teach many lessons. The BJP, for instance, did not achieve as much success as expected in the Hindi heartlands. One primary reason for this was the central government's response to the farmers' strike. The government seems to have realized this, as evidenced by early decisions to support farmers and revitalize the agricultural sector, such as allocating funds to the Prime Minister's Kisan Samman Nidhi and raising the support price of paddy. This indicates that the central government is beginning to address the causes of its defeat.

In Kerala, the CPM state committee has evaluated the reasons for its electoral failure. People now expect corrective measures from the state government. While detailed discussions about the party's failure as a cadre organization may not reveal everything, the CPM state secretary M.V. Govindan admitted that the party misunderstood the public's sentiment in the Lok Sabha elections.

Economic factors often drive public dissatisfaction with the ruling government more than political issues. The burden of high electricity charges, for instance, is a significant concern. Despite excessive contracts draining KSEB's resources, there has been little effort to expand solar energy usage. The government must address these issues and assure the public that electricity rates will not continue to rise unchecked. The Chief Minister and the party must prevent the mismanagement of resources that leads to such economic burdens on consumers.

Additionally, the government must tackle the delay and mismanagement in the Public Service Commission (PSC) recruitment process. Many young people hoped for more job opportunities through PSC under the left government, but contract appointments have instead increased. In the health sector, there has been an eight-year hiatus in appointing assistant professors in medical colleges via PSC, leaving the sector leaderless and the public disillusioned.

Efforts to curb corruption in the revenue department and ensure timely distribution of welfare pensions and benefits to government employees are also crucial. Effective governance involves addressing these issues head-on, ensuring that marginalized sections of society receive their due benefits without delay.

Despite these challenges, many still believe that the left government led by Pinarayi Vijayan has the strength to rectify these issues. The lessons from the electoral defeat should serve as a catalyst for positive change. The party has also noted a shift in the voting patterns of the Ezhava community and the Muslim and Christian minorities. The SNDP's non-political stance and BDJS's independent political activities illustrate the complexity of maintaining traditional vote banks.

Ultimately, addressing these economic and administrative challenges is essential for restoring public trust and ensuring that the government remains close to the people. The path to recovery lies in proactive, transparent, and effective governance that responds to the electorate's needs and concerns.

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