THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Education minister V Sivankutty in a press conference said SFI’s protest on the plus one seat issue came from a misunderstanding.
“It is not necessary that SFI should understand everything. I am not sure whether SFI has done an in-depth understanding of the issue. I was twice SFI state president and once SFI state secretary, so I understand the feelings of students. I am requesting them to take part in a discussion with the government.” said Sivankutty.
Meanwhile, the minister dismissed some news reports about him making fun of SFI in a press conference.
“What I said was against KSU. They tied a black flag on my official vehicle and it was good in a sense as KSU got a chance to dust off their desultory mode and engage again in a protest after a long time. This was my criticism but the media tweaked as if I took a jibe at SFI” said Sivankutty.