Kerala Kaumudi Online
Thursday, 18 July 2024 10.34 PM IST

India's tolerance is indestructible


India is one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world. Although it is a Hindu-majority country, it was ruled by the Mughals for centuries. The British also ruled the nation for more than two centuries. Yet no one has been able to break the nation's religious tolerance. India is one of the countries with the largest Muslim population. Also, there are many groups living in India who hold different religious beliefs like the Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, Buddhists, Christians and others. We have a constitution that guarantees equal rights to any religious citizen living in India.

In many other countries, the situation of minorities is often deplorable. Isolated incidents occur in all countries. The same happens in India. No one can interpret that the state is oppressing other religions except Hindus. Tamils ​​are still living as second class citizens in Sri Lanka. Hindus in Pakistan are no different. That is not the case in India. No one can separate the majority of people who believe in peace and co-existence, no matter who rules, just on the basis of religion.

A strong social structure that has developed over the centuries is based on the inclusion of other religions. Democratic organizations in the name of religion are also functioning freely in this country. India has seen that some political parties try to engage in communalism for temporary gains, but these, in time, tend to burst like bubbles in water. Ours is a country where both the majority and the minority have the right to freedom of expression. Everyone knows that this is not the case in India's neighbouring country, China. These are the facts, but some outside powers and countries are spreading false propaganda that India is a totalitarian country that oppresses the religious minorities other than the Hindus. The criticism made by the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken against India should also be seen in that context.

Citing US State Department's annual religious freedom report, Blinken said anti-conversion laws and attacks on homes and places of worship of minorities are on the rise in India. There have been isolated brutal incidents against blacks in USA as well. There has never been any action from India to criticize the US administration for that reason. USA should have been careful to return that decency. India's foreign affairs spokesperson has responded that the findings of the US State Department are biased. India refuted the report suggesting that it is driven by “votebank considerations" ahead of the presidential elections. India pointed out that the said report is a mix of imputations, misrepresentations, selective usage of facts, reliance on biased sources, and a one-sided projection of issues.

The United States should realize that India's religious harmony will not be destroyed by the occasional publication of such reports. Moreover, it is questioning the country's constitutional provisions and even court rulings. Such meddling in India's internal affairs cannot be allowed.

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