Malayalam cinema has undergone major changes, including those we see on the screen and off it. One such big change are caravans that we seen on every other movie set. Many leading actors have their own caravans. Caravans are useful for actors to put on make-up and rest between shoots. Actor Baiju Santhosh spoke about caravans and the change it brought to movie sets.
"In the past, while filming movies, an actor would use a small space on the set or even a nearby house to do his make-up. But things are not like that today. Nowadays, caravans are convenient for everyone. There have been many incident where even those who had allowed spaces for make-up at their homes have later found it difficult to give consent," Baiju said.
"There have been incidents where families that allowed spaces at their houses for actors to do make-up, change clothes and even rest for an hour were unable to sleep. These problems were solved when caravans became widespread. You can relax, put on make-up, lie down, even read the script of another movie if you want. But even with all these facilities, there is only one star in Malayalam cinema who says no to a caravan and that is Mr. Indrans," he added.