Overnight YouTube sensation Arjun Sundaresan(Arjyou), confirmed his relationship with anchor and podcaster Aparna Premraj. In 2020, during the idle days of the pandemic, Arjyou tried his luck by roasting TikTok users and uploading a video on YouTube. Hours later, a star was born on YouTube as it took the Alappuzha native only a few hours to get the prized one million subscribers on YouTube.
Arjun and Aparna revealed their relationship on Friday evening, leaving most of their subscribers in shock. ‘Arjyou’ through some of his vlogs had revealed his antipathy towards relationships, mostly due to his previous unrequited experiences. And now, the sudden volte-face from the star Youtuber has stunned his core subscriber base.
Aparna Premraj, a popular television anchor of the past, now hosts a podcast show ‘unfiltered by Aparna’. She was also one of the contenders of LIVA Miss Diva 2023 and is the cousin sister of former Miss World runner-up Parvathy Omanakuttan.