Manikuttan is a popular actor who began his film career with 'Boyfriend' directed by Vinayan. The actor, who has been in the film industry for around 19 years, was also the title winner of Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 3. During the show, the actor garnered the attention of the audience through his honest behaviour. This eventually helped him to bag the first prize in the reality show. He also received an apartment worth Rs 75 lakh in addition to the trophy.
Now, Manikuttan has shared some details about the flat he received as the first prize of the show. The actor opened up about the flat during an interview given to a YouTube channel as part of the promotion of his latest film.
Manikuttan's words
"Interior works are going in the flat. I want to do the interior well. I want to do it in a different way. The lights should turn on when I clap my hands. Initially, I thought that I'd get many offers in cinema and should start the interior work after that. However, things did not happen as I thought. I've now started the interior work even though I did not get as many offers as I expected," Manikuttan said.