Kerala Kaumudi Online
Friday, 20 September 2024 5.16 PM IST

Let’s think good and have dreams!

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It is hope that drives mankind forward forever. Today marks the end of an eventful year and as the New Year approaches, human minds are filled with dreams and hopes for the good times to come. Each person will evaluate the New Year not on the losses of the past but on how life will fit together in the New Year.

Last year, people all over the world had to live with masks on. The Covid epidemic, which shocked the world, is still rampant. The new variant, the Omicron Covid, has joined forces with the plague when its ill effects are alleviated. Health experts warn that the next two months will be crucial. This means that it is not yet time to change the mask. Omicron, which appeared in India with one or two cases, is now a terror. Many states have come up with stricter regulations. In our country too, night restrictions have come into effect till Sunday. In this day and age when life is more important than celebrations, everyone should voluntarily exercise more vigilance and care without waiting for government directives.
Although Covid has done a lot of damage to the people and the country, it should be seen as a great achievement that India has been able to recover quickly and move the economy forward. The declining employment sector is also recovering. Compensation for those who lost family members in Covid is very meagre but it remains a tragedy that governments have not been able to deliver it quickly. The Central and State Governments claim that they have completed their preparations to deal with the Omicron outbreak. Let us pray that there is no flaw.

In India, as in many other countries, children were the worst inconvenienced lot last year. Most had to stay home for a school year. It is impossible to say how much lazy and inactive children have become by studying online without going to school and college. Omicron’s threat came when they thought they could return to school in the New Year. The only way out is to get everyone vaccinated. It is comforting to begin the intense struggle for it.

It was also a year of great losses and great achievements. 2021 is also the year of the passing away of many great personalities who entertained and inspired us. Only inspiring memories about them remain.

It is noteworthy that the country has made significant strides in the economic sphere despite many challenges. The country was able to quickly overcome the recession created by Covid in the industrial and commercial sectors. The government has increased fuel prices on a daily basis and made all the people miserable. From this, it has collected Rs 4 lakh crore in tax revenue. This has led to an increase in the prices of all commodities. Despite widespread criticism, the government has not been willing to fix fuel prices in a rational manner.

The past year has also witnessed a sharp rise in political divisions inside and outside parliament. Five state assembly elections, including UP, have been declared in the New Year. In Bengal, Trinamool leader Mamata Banerjee remained in power for the third time in a row with a large majority. The re-emergence of the DMK under the leadership of Schultz and the retention of the LDF for the first time in Kerala are commendable developments over the past year.

The ongoing tensions between Pakistan and China have continued unabated over the past year, prompting the intensification of defence efforts. China's provocation on the border continues. There was no shortage of annoyances caused by Pakistan in Kashmir, Ladakh and the Line of Control, though on lesser scale. However the terrorist presence in Kashmir is not a headache as before. But the efforts to bring political parties in Kashmir into the mainstream have not yet been successful.

Last year, the country was hit by a number of natural disasters along with the epidemic. Many states have been hit hard by the floods. There was no shortage of other natural disasters. Kerala has been hit by floods and landslides for the third year in a row. In addition to the loss of many lives, there was also heavy damage. Along with political killings, organized crime has also increased over the years.

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