Kerala Kaumudi Online
Thursday, 25 April 2024 3.02 PM IST

Numbers that lie


The World Health Organization's (WHO) figures are often found to be misleading. There were accusations that the WHO tried to whitewash China over the origin and spread of the Covid. The World Health Organization has come out with a new estimate that covid deaths in India are ten times higher than the official government figures. The WHO estimates that at least 47 lakh people have died of Covid in India. But after the central government has collected the figures of the states, the figures released are 5.24 lakh. This is for 2020-21. The WHO estimates that 1.5 million people worldwide have died from Covid. According to the latest figures, one-third of them are in India. The Central Government rejected these figures, stating that the reliability of the calculation models used by the WHO was questionable. Even experts agree that this is an exaggerated figure. Even if it is alleged that almost half of India's official figures are not recorded, the death toll does not exceed eight lakhs. But it is doubtful whether the WHO's claim that the death toll is ten times higher than that released by India is a deliberate attempt to tarnish India's image in the eyes of the world.

After struggling like all other countries in the initial phase, India was later widely praised for its direct approach and completion of vaccination. India has its own civil registration system for recording births and deaths with the help of states. According to the figures, there will be 4.74 lakh more deaths in 2021 than in the previous year. In 2019, it was more than 6.90 lakh. It was 4.86 lakh in 2018, the government said.

It cannot be thought that the World Health Organization (WHO) has no business interests behind exaggerating the figures. Based on these figures, the World Health Organization argues that a sustainable health care system is needed to deal with crises worldwide. Western countries, including the United States, and China will invest in it.

Although the World Health Organization has spoken out against the scientific approach, they have never blamed China for its origin and spread. This has led to a lot of criticism. WHO's attempts to defame India while taking a soft stance on China must be resisted.

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