Kerala Kaumudi Online
Thursday, 19 September 2024 1.37 PM IST

Don’t make the court repeat itself

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high court

The High Court has many times given orders and circulars concerning the placing of flags and banners by every political party and organization on roadsides. Yesterday the court intervened in the matter again and criticized the government harshly for its inaction.

The responsibility for the fags, banners, and boards in each place lies with the local body of the area. These can be erected or placed anywhere only with the permission of the local bodies. These local bodies usually are not able to remove the illegally placed flags and banners. This is because of the pressure from ‘those above’. The court observed that if there is no change even after the court’s intervention, then it can be considered only as the failure of the administration. The court also gave the order to remove every illegal board, flag, banner, etc. immediately and to give a report on it.

It is a common sight to see traffic lights covered by big boards. These boards are not removed even after complaints are raised against it. And, if the boards belong to a party with clout, then there is no question of removing them. Everyone will be afraid even to touch it. Flags and banners are placed on roadsides knowing very well that it is a clear violation of the law. Banners are even tied in ways that pose a huge risk to motorists.

Even though there is an order not to raise arches across a road, every organization, political party, and temple committee continues to erect such arches. Recently, an accident involving a mother and daughter in Thiruvananthapuram was in the news. While the arch was being erected it fell on top of the scooter.

As most of our roads are narrow these flag posts, banners, etc. are a risk to the pedestrians too. Moreover, no one thinks how uncultured it is to dirty the roadsides with flags and banners at all times. Earlier, it was during elections that saw flooding of flags and banners. Once strict rules were in place to remove these materials after the elections, the practice of making the environment dirty came to a stop. There were regulations to writing on walls too.

Boards and banners announcing certain meetings and rallies will be still there long after the function is over. This must change and the practice of removing it once the function is over must be cultivated. The leaders of political parties and organizations must see to it that their activists remove it on time.

We must think about how a foreigner will think about us if he sees the flags and banners on the roadsides. He most likely views us as uncultured. Illegal flags and banners are seen mostly in urban areas. Those who are concerned about the beauty of the cities will be deeply disturbed by the presence of these materials.

The government should find a solution even without the court’s intervention.

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