THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: A ten-year-old boy has been confirmed with cholera in Neyyattinkara. Cholera was confirmed on an inmate of Karunya Orphanage at Thavaravila in Neyyattinkara. 10 people in the orphanage are undergoing treatment.
The samples of those undergoing treatment have been sent for testing. The health department is investigating to find the source of the disease. An inmate with cholera symptoms had died the other day. He has been identified as Anu, aged 26. Nine people were confirmed with cholera in the state in the last six months. The last cholera death was reported in 2017.
Cholera is a waterborne disease transmitted through sewage. The disease is caused by Vibrio cholerae bacteria. These germs enter the body from the unsanitary environment and through the water and food we consume. These enter the body and produce a toxin called 'cholera toxin' which causes diarrhoea.
The main symptoms are severe diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, dehydration, and blood in the stool. Personal hygiene is essential to prevent cholera. Drink only boiled water. Super chlorination should be done in addition to normal chlorination of wells in cholera affected areas. Use vegetables and fruits only after washing thoroughly. Wash your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet. Take measures to prevent fleas from multiplying as diseases are transmitted by flies. If not treated on time, the patient may even die.