THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Railways will run special trains from Ernakulam and Thiruvananthapuram to Chennai considering the peak rush expected during the Sabarimala Makaravilakku festival. The train will leave Thiruvananthapuram on the 15th at 4.25 am and reach Chennai at 11 pm on the same day via Chengannur, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Palakkad, Tirupur and Erode. Train No 06058.
The return service will leave Chennai at 1 am on the 16th and reach Thiruvananthapuram at 8 pm on the same day. Train no. 06059.
The special train from Ernakulam to Chennai will leave at 6.15 pm on the 16th and reach Chennai at 8.30 am the next day. Train No. 06046. The return service will leave Chennai at 10.30 am and reach Ernakulam at 11 pm the same day. Train number 06047.