KOCHI: Known producer Murali Kunnumpuram finally made it to Poochakkal to meet Rameshan who got viral after the Kearlakaumudi online news. Rameshan hummed many tunes in the meet while Murali closed his eyes getting immersed himself in the tunes. Rameshan's friends and neighbors joined the moment to make it more memorable.
Rameshan. a carpenter while at work sang “ vikara noukayumayi” which took him to fame across social media. Murali who saw the same through his smartphone gave an instant offer to sing in his next movie.
Rameshan was once the main singer of Pathanamthitta's friends' voice, pranavam voice, and many other troupes. Time made him adorn a carpenter robe as he is now busy making almirahs and tables for one furniture shop in Poochakkal. The 49-year-old turned into a carpenter after discerning that singing alone won't help feed his family.
30 years before, from the insistence of his friend to write one song, Ramesh tuned his first song starting “ thamasail njan” which got many accolades. He later started attending temple festivals along with troupes and was a notable singer. He craved to pen songs for movies one day, but luck came to him through a video. Ramesh can wait to take turn as a lyricist but now, the imminent offer is to lend his voice to one big Malayalam superstar.
Rameshan made a thankful note for the opportunity and made time to praise the sole effort of Keralakaumudi for recognizing people like him.