DUBAI: Authorities have issued a reminder to residents, including expatriates, living in the UAE against intruding into the privacy of other people. In a video shared on Instagram, the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department showed people how they must be mindful of the privacy of others. The officials also people reminded of the various ways in which the privacy of others can be violated.
Acts such as posting photos and videos of others on social media, and sharing comments and opinions that violate the privacy of individuals will attract a fine of 5 lakh dirhams (INR 1,13,34209) and six months in jail, officials said.
Listed below are the activities that harm the privacy of others. The authorities directed that everyone should avoid doing such things in public places.
1. Taking pictures of accidents
The authorities urged all residents in UAE to avoid taking pictures and videos of accidents and accident victims as it violates the privacy of the victims. Sending and posting such pictures on social media will be considered a crime.
2. Taking pictures of other people without permission
Do not click pictures of people in public places without their permission. Possession of such images will also be considered a crime.
3. Tracking location
The authorities also warned that it is illegal to track or monitor the geographical location of a person. Transferring, copying and storing such information is also illegal.