Kerala Kaumudi Online
Saturday, 27 July 2024 9.34 AM IST

Government's new love for expert committees


It has now turned into a new trend for the government to constitute an expert committee to study some public favouring projects they wish not to implement. Take for example the projects announced by government and local bodies in the last few years and we will see this new alternative being tried more than once.

As of now, The city council and government departments are brainstorming ways to solve the unending waterlogging in certain regions of the capital city. Many studies were conducted and remedies were also recommended but the government is still playing spoilsport, not approving any of the recommendations. When it rains heavily, water puddles form in many places. As the roads and settlements are submerged, the people there have to wander in search of a safe place.

The municipality has done several study reports with recommendations to address flooding in the city. After every monsoon season, the government loses steam and never bothers to consider the plight of the people. However, when waterlogging occurs the next year, a new expert committee will be formed and the dramatics will continue.

It is reported that the municipal council meeting convened on Wednesday to discuss the flood that occurred two weeks ago, covered all topics except a pragmatic solution for the troubles. Even after a shedload of such meetings, there is still no answer on how to end the woes of the residents who are battered by the repeated water loggings.

It does not require a genius to simply discern that the permanent water logging issues can be sorted out with precise urban planning. Some years back, the government came up with an astute plan christened ‘Operation Anantha’. This raised hope and the water logging started disappearing from the capital city in the following years. However, for reasons unknown, ‘Operation Anantha’ was interrupted, wreaking havoc again on the city residents.

Thiruvananthapuram is a special city that is carved out specially to suit nature’s changing moods. If at least the four big streams passing through the city had been protected, the people of the city would have been freed from the misery they are experiencing now. Every year, crores of rupees are allocated to remove soil, silt and garbage from these streams. However, no significant work is being done here.

The construction of a bridge at Nellikuzhi across the Amayizhanjan canal is one such major flub that is now being viewed as a mainspring for every waterlogging issue affecting the Gowreesapattom region. The bridge is being raised there without even informing the irrigation department in advance.

By December, the rainy season will recede. The fear of flooding will fade away from the minds of authorities and city residents. They will have to wait until the next monsoon for trouble to start again. Expert committees will be formed, valuable suggestions will be taken while the city goes under the water once again.

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