Bigg Boss, hosted by actor Mohanlal, is a popular reality TV show. It has a very strong following across all the languages it is aired. With the new season of its Malayalam version on the horizon, the audience is excited to know about the contestants. Sobha Viswanathan was one of the popular contestants in the fifth season of Bigg Boss. An entrepreneur outside of Bigg Boss, Sobha is also an active presence on social media. Now, a photoshoot session of hers has garnered the attention of the netizens.
The photos with mud smeared on Sobha's face, hair and hands is captioned, "Planet doesn’t need us, we need the planet”.The most striking pose is the one in which she covers half of her face with her hand.
Sobha was one of the fiercest contestants in Bigg Boss Season 5 with a 'never give up' attitude. She was one of the contestants in the finale of the show.