Kerala Kaumudi Online
Saturday, 27 April 2024 12.03 PM IST

KSEB gross meter system; people who installed solar should not be made to suffer


The sectors where the people depend the most were brought under the public sector after independence to prevent the exploitation and extortion by private industrialists etc. This was part of India's adoption of a policy that emphasized socialism. Power, transport, iron and steel manufacturing, fertilizer production etc. were brought under the control of the government. Over time some measures started to emerge from the public sector which harmed the public instead of serving them. Almost all public sector establishments are now in the habit of passing on the losses caused by the wastefulness and reluctance of those working in the public sector to work, union interference that does not allow reform measures, etc., to the people by frequently raising the rates of service. The public sector organization in Kerala that leads in this issue is the Electricity Board.

They sign contracts that cost crores of rupees and put the burden on the shoulders of the people. Actions on the part of the Board are often incomprehensible to rational thinkers. On the one hand, the Board will say that electricity should not be wasted and should be used very minimally. If they are sincere in saying this then solar power should be promoted as much as possible. However, the Board has often taken actions contrary to that. Even people who have no money take loans etc. to install solar, not because of excessive interest in solar but rather to get rid of unaffordable electricity bills.

The other day we had published the news of PH Sanalkumar under the title 'Savings from solar power to decrease; net metering system to replace gross meter system' indicating that KSEB is preparing to introduce gross meter system to destroy this. An attempt was made to do this two years ago, but when there was strong opposition from the people and the media, the "Gross Meter" idea was pulled like a turtle pulling its neck and kept inside a cold storage. The Board is moving to issue an order in this regard after taking evidence from the Regulatory Commission. Till now net metering system was used. According to this, those who feed solar power to the KSEB grid and use the KSEB power for their household needs had to pay only for the excess power.

If the gross meter system is introduced, solar power and KSEB power will be metered separately. KSEB has fixed the price of solar at Rs 2.69 per unit. However, the average household electricity bill from KSEB will be Rs 4.20. In short, two different prices for the same service. Any act like this which harms the people can be implemented if a service is labelled public sector. Solar-installed houses in Kerala are 1.70 lakh. Three lakh people have applied and are waiting. KSEB should not implement reforms that will ruin the monthly budget of the people.

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