Renowned producer Suresh Kumar said that actor and Union Minister Suresh Gopi is a person who is always willing to do whatever help that others ask for. He was speaking at a reception held for Suresh Gopi by his colleagues and friends in Thiruvananthapuram.
"Recently, I had an issue in connection with the IT department. I then sent a voice message to Suresh Gopi describing the matter. Within a few hours, the IT Minister's Private Secretary called me and inquired about the matter. The matter was resolved soon," Suresh Kumar said.
"During the shooting of 'Oru Vadakkan Veeragaadha', Suresh Gopi said to me that we should go to Guruvayur temple and perform 'pradakshinam' (clockwise circumambulation of sacred entities) 108 times. I immediately agreed. Initially, I thought that it was an easy task. However, as we started performing the pradakshinam, I realised that it was not as easy as I had thought. I got tired by the time I completed pradakshinam 8 times. I somehow completed the pradakshinam and found that the soles of my feet suffered burns. However, Suresh did not experience any such issues. Today, I'm very happy that one among us has become a Union Minister," Suresh Kumar said.