THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: There are hints that the body part of sanitation worker N Joy, who went missing while cleaning the Amayizhanjan canal in Thampanoor, was found on the robot screen. It is concluded that Joy is trapped within 10 meters of the tunnel between the railway tracks. Expert divers are searching the tunnel. Rescue operations are going on in Thampanoor in coordination with various departments.
After 24 hours of the rescue mission, the only hope is the footage captured by the camera of the Draco robot machine. It is suspected to be a human body. As the visuals are blurred, it is not possible to be sure what it is.
N Joy (45) of Marayamuttam and son of Neshamani and Mary, went missing Saturday morning at 11.30 while trying to remove the garbage from the Amayizhanjan canal that passes underneath the Thiruvananthapuram Central Railway Station in Thampanoor. The scuba team is on the scene with a very adventurous mission. There are about 100 divers in the mission team.