Kerala Kaumudi Online
Friday, 07 March 2025 8.55 AM IST

Repeated outbreaks; Nipah source must be found

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The state was deeply saddened to hear the news that the 14-year-old boy from Chembrasseri, Pandikkad, Malappuram, who was admitted to the Kozhikode Medical College Hospital after suffering from the fatal Nipah disease, succumbed to his death on Sunday morning. It is said that it is not so easy to return to life after contracting Nipah disease. It is often diagnosed when the disease has advanced. Therefore, it is challenging to save the patients through treatment. Nipah has struck the state five times since 2018. Malappuram and Kozhikode districts have seen repeated outbreaks. This time too, the disease came from Pandikkad in Malappuram. The fact that we have not been able to trace the source of Nipah in spite of the constant raising of the Nipah threat can only be seen as laziness and ignorance.

When Nipah outbreaks occurred in neighbouring countries of Bangladesh and Malaysia, scientists there were able to trace the source of the virus. The spread of the disease is being prevented here by strict preventive measures. This shows the improvement of our health systems. However, with the containment of the disease and contagion, everything is forgotten here. The disease has to re-emerge for government systems to wake up. This is happening because the problem is taken lightly. It took a long time for the 14-year-old from Pandikkad to get expert treatment despite him exhibiting Nipah symptoms. When he was taken from the private hospital to the Kozhikode Medical College Hospital, there was not even an isolation ward set up there. This is proof of how carelessly things are done even when preparations are to be made as in war situations.

330 people who are believed to have been in contact with the deceased Class IX student are under observation. Precautions have been taken at Pandikkad and other locations. It is a relief to find that the samples of eight people who had direct contact with the child were negative. The 68-year-old man admitted to the hospital with Nipah symptoms has been confirmed to be free of the disease. It should be remembered that none of this creates a situation to slow down precautions and preventive measures. The gathering of people and free interaction in public places should be controlled. The authorities have issued an order to close the shops in Pandikkad and other places in the evening. Everyone should wear a mask to go out just like how it was during Covid. A mobile lab of the Institute of Virology from Pune has been brought in, which will help speed up the tests. All that can be done now is to face the situation with extreme caution.

With the appearance of Nipah for the fifth time, the mission to find the source of this should be achieved at all costs. An expert team should be identified and assigned the task. Central assistance can also be sought. A big question is being raised which is why can't we do this if Bangladesh and Malaysia have been able to do this? It has been four years since the construction of the lab at Kozhikode Medical College for the testing of extremely deadly viral diseases like Nipah has started but it is not yet completed. Indifference to such matters which should be handled like a wartime situation is an unforgivable mistake.

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