Actor and Union Minister Suresh Gopi has dismissed the claim that children of superstars are getting special consideration and opportunities in Malayalam cinema. In an interview given to Indian Express, he also asked if any actor had lost an acting opportunity just because children of superstars came into the acting field.
Suresh Gopi also said that he has not called any producer asking for an acting opportunity for his son Gokul Suresh.
"I challenge you to prove that I had contacted any producer seeking a role for my son in a film. If proven so, I am ready to quit acting," he said.
When quizzed if anyone had attempted to thwart his rise as a third superstar in Malayalam cinema, Suresh Gopi replied that he was just an actor and not a superstar.
"I don't know if such a move had taken place. I am not a part of any such moves. Am I a superstar? I don't think so. I am just a labourer in the film industry who leads a living through acting. I'm nothing more than that. One can say that nepotism has worked only if one person loses opportunity because of the son or daughter of any superstar," he said.