THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Police yet to find the accused who shot the housewife with an air pistol after coming to her house posing as a delivery person with a registered letter. It is clear that the accused who shot VS Shini of West Fort Chempakassery Residents Association came and returned from the Kollam Parippally side. After the incident, the car took a right turn from Parippally and passed through Kulamada Road.
No footage of the car after that has been obtained. The police suspect that those who have a clear idea about this place continued their journey through the back roads. It is also being investigated whether the accused belongs to this area. There are visuals of the car coming through this route around 7 am, before the incident. The investigation is progressing on the basis of CCTV footage. The police are confirming that the accused is a woman, based on Shini's father-in-law Bhaskaran Nair's statement.
The accused, who confirmed that Shini would be at home on Sunday, came to the spot knowing who else would be at home at that time. The accused managed to escape after the incident, understanding the house and surroundings well. Therefore, the police concluded that the accused must have reached the place earlier. The police checked the CCTVs of the nearby houses and institutions yesterday. It is also being checked whether the Maruti Celerio car, which has been used by the accused, has reached the area in the last few days. Meanwhile, Shangumugham Assistant Commissioner Anurup went to the hospital and met Shini. Her husband Sujit B Nair, who came from Maldives after hearing about the incident, was also asked about the matter.
Family problem?
The police strongly suspect that a family problem is what led to the shooting. Statements of Shini, her husband Sujith and relatives are being collected to clarify this matter. This can only be confirmed after taking the statements of more people.
Shini, who is in a private hospital, may be discharged today. The pellet that penetrated the right palm was surgically removed. The wound is yet to heal. The assailant was aiming for Shini's face. She was shot in the hand when she stopped this.