THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Two people have been arrested in two separate incidents of spreading propaganda on social media asking people not to donate money to the Chief Minister's distress relief fund. Kollam Vilakkupara native and YouTuber Rajesh was arrested by the Eroor police. According to the police, Rajesh used his YouTube channel 'Mallu Boys' and Instagram account to spread the word that the CM's relief fund was a scam and that the money would not reach the deserving people. Police said that one more person was to be arrested in the case.
The second person arrested for spreading false propaganda against the CM's relief fund is Kayamkulam Peringola native Arun (40). He was arrested by the Kayamkulam police for spreading propaganda against the CM's relief fund through Facebook.
So far, 279 social media accounts have been found spreading false campaigns against the Chief Minister's relief fund. Several cases were registered today against the circulation of false propaganda against the relief fund.