KOLLAM: The Railway Police have arrested a Tamil Nadu native who stole 14 sovereigns of gold from an elderly couple travelling on the Palaruvi Express. The arrested person has been identified as Shenkottai native Kannan (55). The Punalur Railway Police, which arrested Kannan, also recovered the mainour from his house. The theft took place on August 2 morning in the Palaruvi Express going from Tirunelveli to Palakkad.
According to the Railway Police, the accused stole the gold from a couple that boarded the train from Cheramahan Railway Station near Tirunelveli. Kannan snatched the bag containing the gold when the couple dozed off during the journey to Ernakulam. As the train passed Thenmala, the couple woke up and found that the bag had gone missing. Following this, they got down at the Punalur Railway Station and filed a complaint with the Railway Police. Following this, the Railway Police conducted an investigation by forming a special squad.
The special squad met the passengers and gathered information about the accused. The railway police said that the accused used to sell basil oil in buses and other places. The stolen gold was recovered from his house in Shenkottai.