Kerala Kaumudi Online
Wednesday, 18 September 2024 7.57 AM IST

Reforms in building regulations; relaxations that should be welcomed

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Restrictions are needed but in excess, it can also be toxic. Strict regulatory regimes often become a favourable condition for corrupt officials. The common citizens, who set out to achieve everything through the law, are the ones who get entangled in the regulations. The biggest reform done by the Narasimha Rao government when India's development was stagnant in the 1990s was abolishing the license raj. While many draconian government measures give way to the powerful and the wealthy, it is the common people who are hindered by those same policies. Rules and regulations for any matter should be formulated with this in mind and after avoiding restrictions that are difficult to implement in practice.

The relaxations made by the Left Government in the provisions of the Building Regulations realizing this are quite commendable. The most important of these is the extension of the building permit period to 15 years. The government had withdrawn the increase in permit fees after the election. The government did not back down even though there was strong protest when the fees for construction permits and others were raised many times. It took the setback in the election to open the eyes of the government. In any case, it is a good thing to correct wrong decisions even if they are delayed. There is a belief that one decides to build a house at the worst time of his life. It is the experience of many that hardships hang over their heads until the construction is completed and TC is received.

Under the current provision, the permit would have been void if construction was not completed within five years. Due to the new 15-year extension, many people will have time to slowly plan the construction of the house after obtaining the permit. Similarly, the condition of the presence of necessary parking systems in the same plot where the building is located has also been relaxed. Due to the old system, those with small plots even in the heart of the city could not build shops etc. Now, it is enough to provide a parking facility in a space, owned by the building owner, within 200 meters of the building. The new provision is that 25 percent of parking can be in the plot with the building and the remaining 75 percent of parking can be in the adjacent plot. Minister MB Rajesh has informed that the order containing the changes will be issued soon.

The current practice is to cancel the permit granted if there is any variation in the size of the plot for any reason like sale, donation, giving away land for road, illegal acquisition of land etc. The minister said that amendment will be brought so that the permit is not cancelled even in such cases provided there is no violation. Similarly, the government's decision to fix the fees of Haritha Karma Sena will also resolve the existing confusion in this regard. The charging of separate fees for different types of waste will be done away with. It will also be directed that the service should be availed online for online applications. Revised concessions and proposals should be implemented without delay.

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