Kerala Kaumudi Online
Tuesday, 18 February 2025 3.24 PM IST

KSEB with smart meters; contracts with private companies to happen soon; domestic customers excluded

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: KSEB will implement smart meters excluding domestic customers and including government institutions in the first phase. The target is to install around three lakh smart meters within one and a half years. Contracts for this will be finalized with private companies soon and work orders will be issued. System meters of large companies, meters of government institutions and meters of high-tension consumers will be converted to smart meters.

The contract will be for 18 months for installation of meters and 72 months for operation and maintenance. The central government proposed the TOTEX model where the total amount including the cost of the smart meter, implementation cost and maintenance is borne by the company taking the contract. However, the state has adopted the 'CapEx' method where KSEB itself finds the money for the expenditure and hires contractors. The move to award the contract to private companies is in line with that.

KSEB, which is facing a financial crisis, is hoping to get government help in this regard. It was decided to implement smart meters in the state in 2023. The first phase of smart meters on the TOTEX model has been completed in 20 states.

Contract in two packages

The contract for the implementation of the first phase is made in two packages. The first package consists of smart meter, communication network and related software. Iskraemeco submitted the lowest bid of Rs 60.9 crore including GST, 24% less than the estimated Rs 211 crore for this package.

The lowest bid was Rs 4.45 crore including GST, a reduction of 54% from the estimate of Rs 10 crore for the second package comprising MDMS software and integration. The bid was by Asiasoft Technologies. The work order will be given to them.

The lowest bid for the second package was Rs 4.45 crore including GST, a reduction of 54% from the estimate of Rs 10 crore by Asiasoft Technologies. Work order will be given to them.

Electricity consumers in the state: 1.25 crore

The Centre proposed to provide smart meters in the first phase to: 37 lakh consumers

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