The news that the government is considering imposing toll on vehicles running on roads built in Kerala using KIIFB funds is causing concern among vehicle owners. Currently, tolls are collected only on national highways. Tolls are also collected on newly constructed large bridges in the state. Tolls are withdrawn when the construction cost of the bridge is recovered. However, that is not the case on national highways. There is endless toll collection there! The huge toll has been fixed to raise funds for building new roads as part of infrastructure development in the country. Vehicle owners also like to drive on national highways that ensure smooth travel. People do not hesitate to pay tolls as they can save time and fuel. However, if tolls are imposed on state highways as well, there is no doubt that it will be a big burden.
It is unjustified to burden those who are already paying taxes to raise money for KIIFB. If the question is where will the government go to raise funds for basic development activities, the answer is to look for other ways. If the purpose is to raise funds for KIIFB, then it has to be noted that fuel cess and half of the vehicle tax are already going to the KIIFB fund. The plan is to impose tolls on state highways that cost more than Rs 50 crore and are being built using KIIFB funds. It is indicated that toll collection will begin once the cabinet approval is received. KIIFB has already started a study on tolls.
The financial crisis in Kerala has worsened due to the shortfall in the central share for the state and the inclusion of the borrowing for KIIFB within the state's general borrowing limit. It is against this backdrop that new revenue sources like tolls are being sought to find the money required for KIIFB projects. Government sources are emphasizing that the provision for generating own income through KIIFB projects is included in the KIIFB Act. Even though there is such a provision, trying to impose a new tax burden on the people in the current circumstances is certain to backfire.
Every vehicle owner is paying a large amount of tax in terms of vehicle tax, fuel cess, and insurance premium. They are paying a large amount in tolls in addition to this. The loss to vehicle owners in Kerala due to the police's penalty policy is huge. Since there are no parking spaces anywhere due to the high number of vehicles, vehicles have to be parked wherever space is available. The fine notification comes on the phone before the owner reaches home. The traffic police's approach is merciless towards those who pay all the taxes in advance and put their vehicles on the road. It is the municipality and the vehicle department that should provide parking facilities. Everyone is turning a blind eye to this serious problem. Collecting tolls at every point should not actually be a government restriction on freedom of movement. Funds should be found in the budget to build roads and bridges. People benefit only when resources are spent judiciously and with due regard to needs. The final decision on the KIIFB toll issue should be taken with great care.