TIRUPATI: The body of a 12-year-old boy was tied up on a bike and carried to the village by the family after an ambulance was not available. The incident took place in Andhra Pradesh. The body was taken away on a bike for cremation as the ambulance at the Tirupati Government Hospital demanded more money. The father had to carry his son's body on a bike to their village 90 km away when he could not get an ambulance for hours.
The child died due to kidney related diseases. An ambulance was called to take him to the village cemetery but they demanded a higher amount. He then approached a private ambulance but was asked to double the amount. He appealed to the hospital authorities but was told that the ambulance would not be provided without paying the full amount. The body was then taken home on a bike with no other option.
The Andhra Pradesh government has ordered an inquiry into the incident. The district medical officer was then suspended before further investigation. Meanwhile, the opposition accused the family of being a victim of government negligence. Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy has said that stern action will be taken against those responsible.