Youtuber Sooraj Palakkaran was arrested on Friday for his ignominious rant at actress Roshna Ann Roy on his Facebook page. Responding to the issue, in a Facebook post, Roshna requested the media to follow ethics and use her name in the report rather than putting a veil and using terms such as ‘young actress’ or ‘complainant’.
Roshna Ann Roy:
“I don’t need the tagline of ‘victim’ or ‘young actress’. ‘Sooraj Palakkaran arrested after complaint from Roshna Ann’. This is how the news should appear. I have worked in the film field for almost 6 years to earn repute and make a decent living. I earned the label of cine artist after working hard. I only respond to issues that I am sure of being on the morally right side. We boast about giving equal rights to women but it is simply a hoax and not any reality.
The people of our land are used to welcoming women abusers with garland while the blame is resorted to women. I don’t care about the hate messages but when my family is being dragged, I’m forced to respond.
Many videos and articles blaming me came after I went against driver Yadhu. Some were disparaging on many levels and tore me apart mentally too. People should understand that there is a limit to their rabble-rousing and fancy hate theories. These people might have families including mother wife and sister but they care less about them too. They crave just one day’s content and will stoop any low to make it happen. So, the arrest of this YouTuber is a warning shot to all others who emulate his grotesque style.
This should also be a motivation for other women to move against such abusers. I know it is of no use since these people can easily come out on bail and engage back in their old business. But it feels really good to give them some pain for at least a few hours.