LUCKNOW: The Uttar Pradesh police have arrested a 60-year-old man for brutally raping his 15-year-old granddaughter. The shocking incident took place in Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. Police said that the accused gave ten rupees to the girl and asked her not to tell anyone about it.
According to the police, the girl and her mother were grazing goats in a field when the accused reached the spot. He then sent his daughter-in-law home saying that he would be there with the girl. When the daughter-in-law left, the accused asked the girl to bring an axe to cut wood. When the girl came back with an axe, he took her to a deserted field and raped her. He then gave her ten rupees and asked her not to reveal it to anyone.
In the meantime, an onlooker saw the incident and gathered people by shouting. The locals who gathered at the spot caught the 60-year-old man, beat him up and handed him over to the police. The family has also filed a complaint against the 60-year-old.