Kerala Kaumudi Online
Monday, 16 September 2024 8.29 AM IST

Rs 50,000 fine for dumping waste on roadside

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Malayalis are fastidious and are overtly focused on hygiene-related stuff. Bathing twice a day is part of this scrupulous nature. However, this tidiness affects only body hygiene while the people here care little about the mounting waste on the roadside and also participate in mounting the garbage on corners in their streets.

Garbage is thrown on the road, rotten food wastes get a place in the neighbours' yard. If all these plans go down the drain, it will be the last resort to wait until midnight to take away the waste in a scooter and dump it on the roadside for stray dogs to devour.

A law came into effect the other day that imposes heavy fines on those who dump waste from their own homes, including food waste, in public places. Immediately after the Governor signed the amendment bill in this regard, the government also issued instructions to the secretaries of the local bodies. Not only those who throw garbage but also those who pile it up and burn it on the roadside will be penalized.

The minimum fine is five thousand rupees. The maximum punishment is imprisonment up to one year and a fine of Rs 50,000. For people deliberately ignoring these fines, a penalty of fifty per cent per month shall be levied compulsorily as part of property tax or building tax. Those who do not pay the user fee for garbage collection, will not be entitled to any service from the concerned local body.

Now, what about the local bodies that do not follow the government directive in this regard? If such a mismanagement of garbage is spotted in any of the government-run offices, anyone is free to inform to local self-government secretary, who will later prepare the penalty. It is not just the onus of government to ensure cleanliness in the state, but the people here also have an active role at to play.

However, not all are ready to justify the sudden imposition of fines. If the government and local bodies are prepared to penalize people for dumping garbage on the roadside, there should be an alternate system for the people to rely on. As of now, there is no adequate waste disposal machinery in Kerala.

Local bodies have entrusted Haritakarma Sena to collect household and other waste for a fixed monthly fee and dispose of it in authorized centres. Although this system is more or less implemented in urban areas, but is yet to reach the rural belt of Kerala.

There are also strong allegations about private waste collection agencies taking waste from city homes and depositing it on isolated roadsides. The need of the hour is a flawless system for waste collection and disposal at the corporation, municipality and panchayat levels. Despite this facility, heavy fines should be imposed on those who pollute public space by refusing to pay the monthly user fee. Amidst this, the local bodies have raised alarm about not having sufficient budget to complete any major waste management products.

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