Kerala Kaumudi Online
Thursday, 06 June 2024 12.23 PM IST

Drug dealings through social media; drug mafia spreading its net online to trap students


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: With schools and colleges set to open on June 3, the drug mafia is spreading its net to trap students. If orders are made online through social media, drugs would be delivered confidentially. After enslaving the students by giving them drugs for free, they will be used for drug trafficking, selling drugs and criminal offences.

The Excise Department has detected drug dealings in 1140 schools in the state. 31.8% of college students use drugs. Teachers and parents are unable to detect colourless and odourless chemicals used by students. Although 325 children were found using drugs in schools, only 183 were reported to the Excise or police. The main threat is the fact that students are selling drugs to their classmates. There is no gender distinction when it comes to the use of drugs. Recently, three schoolgirls were given drugs and sexually exploited in the state capital.

The most dangerous drug substances are Afghan and African chemicals. Stickers that provide 10 hours of intoxication are available for Rs 100. Chemical drugs are available in various forms such as stamps, stickers, pills, chocolates, chewing gums and in granules like sugar and salt. Those who use these drugs once will become addicted to them for life. Drug-laced candies, soft drinks, and bubblegum are all prevalent on school premises. Candies with images of cartoon characters from Mickey Mouse and Superman to King Kong are also suspected to be drug-laced. The Excise Department had recently seized 200 LSD stamps with gorilla images. 228 drug peddlers who supply drugs to students have been placed in preventive detention.

Drugs that can even lead to death

  • The 'Paradise-650' drug seized from an engineering student in Kochi freezes the brain for more than 48 hours. It can even lead to death if taken in high dosage.
  • Drug-laced candies such as dark chocolate, sugar candy, chocolate candy
  • A blood-coloured soft drink that foams like beer
  • Slightly addictive sour candy and Mickey Mouse bubblegum

Drugs worth Rs 25,000 crore were caught from a boat in Kochi offshore

1300%- Increase in MDMA captured over one year

Figures to know
70% of youngsters started using drugs at the age of 10-15
79% of teenagers first used drugs through friends
80% of teenagers use drugs with friends
38.16% of people encourage friends to use drugs

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