Kerala Kaumudi Online
Tuesday, 25 June 2024 12.53 PM IST

‘I believe your wedding went well', woman gets message from boss saying that she has been sacked


Marriage is one of the most important events in everyone’s life. All the loved ones and invitees will attend the function and congratulate the newlyweds directly. Those who cannot come directly will send their wishes through social media or phone calls.

However, Amanda has revealed that she received a WhatsApp message on her wedding day that was not at all auspicious. She said that message took away the joy of the most important day of her life.

The message was sent by her boss. 'Half an hour after the function, she got a WhatsApp message from her boss. Boss knows that it was her marriage. The message said that she has been terminated from office.’

‘The message started by saying that he believes that the marriage went well and she is happy. Unfortunately, I have to inform you that you have been terminated. A detailed mail has been sent regarding this. The message said wishing her all the best to move forward,’ the woman clarified.

Amanda saw this message during the wedding celebrations. 'I saw his message after noticing that she had been removed from the company’s WhatsApp group. I read the message when all my friends were around me. I felt as if I was suffocating,' she said.

Reports said the company sacked her for her poor performance. However, she said the company had never told her about her poor performance before this. She added that she did not understand what the boss meant.

Asked my boss and senior officials of the company why she was sacked. However, the company ignored her without giving a clear answer, she said.

A media reported the news. It is not clear where the woman is from or in which company she worked. However, many people came forward and commented in support of her. The company has the authority to sack a person if their performance is poor. However, social media users are of the opinion that choosing this day to sack her was wrong.

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