KOCHI: The Kerala government on Thursday informed the High Court that strong action would be taken against violations such as the modification of vehicles and installation of unnecessary lights. It also said that it will prevent people from driving modified vehicles dangerously and posting such videos on social media. The Transport Commissioner has written to YouTube's moderation team seeking the removal of videos showing violations made by the vloggers.
The central government's lawyer said that the Union Transport Secretary has been informed about such videos and that the Centre needs more time to provide an explanation.
The court, which reminded that modified vehicles pose a threat to public safety, added that no one should be allowed to enter the driver's cabin to record videos. It also pointed out that the posts of vloggers can influence youngsters.
The state government submitted a report on the action taken against vlogger Sanju Techy, who set up a makeshift swimming pool inside a moving car by lining it with a tarpaulin sheet and filling it with water. It also told the court that the Transport Commissioner, who is in charge of the Road Safety Commission, has initiated action to arrest the violators.
The division bench comprising Justice Anil K Narendran and Justice Harishankar V Menon will hear the case against Sanju Techy and his accomplices again on June 25th.
No modified vehicles in colleges
The court also directed to prevent students from bringing modified vehicles to colleges. Students should not be allowed to go on excursions in vehicles equipped with LED lights and others. The Motor Vehicles Department said that the Director of Public Education has been informed about this.