Ramesh Pisharadi, a name that brings a smile to the face of many Malayalis, has risen from performing in stage shows and television comedy to directing movies featuring megastar Mammootty. Often seen alongside Mammootty, Pisharadi describes their relationship as one of mutual love and respect rather than mere friendship.
Recently, Pisharadi addressed an interesting question regarding who has a better sense of humour between Mammootty and Mohanlal. After a moment of silence, he responded thoughtfully.
"I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with both of them. A sense of humour is often influenced by the environment in which it is expressed. I have a terrific sense of humour, but if I'm in a serious setting, I don’t need to pretend to be funny. Both Mammookka and Lalettan have a sense of humour. However, Mammookka tends to be serious when approached by someone speaking seriously. In such situations, he may not take a joke well. But when he is in a comfortable setting, he can tell jokes and be humorous.
On the other hand, when someone approaches Lalettan, they might behave differently. In these situations, Lalettan can be more playful and quick-witted with his humour," Pisharadi explained.