Actor Jayasurya is often criticized by a section on social media for his off-screen persona, mostly when he responds to social issues. His critics say the actor only do this when his films are about to release and is portraying himself in real life as a person with a golden heart. Director Ratheesh Raghunandan's response to a Facebook post mocking Jayasurya has gotten the attention on social media.
The said post alleged that Jayasurya is acting in real life and portraying himself as a person with a heart of gold. Below this, director Ratheesh commented about his past experience with Jayasurya during Covid period.
'I don't know if he is acting as a person with golden heart. Let me tell you my experience. We decided to do a film together. The movie's producer was Vijay Babu. Within days of pre-production, there was a Covid-induced lockdown. Everything was closed. After two or three months, Jayettan called and asked how are things going. To this, I replied that I am just managing things.
'I have put some money in youraccount'-he said. It was a situation where I couldn't say no. Actor Jayasurya didn't have to help someone like me. I haven't paid back that Rs 2 lakh till this day. This can also be a part of acting 'good guy' in real life. I don't know," Ratheesh commented.