THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: With only three months left for the expiry of the Police Telecommunication Rank List, only 21 appointments have been made so far from the list consisting of 524 people. Even as cyber crimes are increasing day by day, the staffing pattern of the unit's formation in 1974 is still being followed. Candidates with high technical educational qualifications and expertise in areas like Computer, Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, Risk Management, Digital Forensics etc. are on the rank list.
This is the only category in Kerala Police where recruitment is done on the basis of technical qualification. COB nodes and control rooms that interconnect police units are staffed by people with no technical qualifications or training.
The DGP had recommended the government to create 652 posts of two telecommunication officers in police stations in view of the lack of tech-savvy personnel and the rise in cyber crimes. However, this was not implemented due to the financial crisis of the government.
At present only 20 cyber police stations have telecommunication officers.
Main list-393 people
Supplementary list-131 persons
Recruitment so far-21