KOCHI: The producers of 'RDX' have approached the court against the director demanding compensation over a contract breach. Producer Sophia Paul and the production company approached the court against the director of ‘RDX’, Nahas Hidayath, alleging breach of contract.
As per the existing contract, Nahas demanded Rs 15 lakh rupees to direct ’RDX’. The contract also had a provision that the second film of Nahas would be for the same production company. The production company completed the payment and another Rs 40 lakh was paid as an advance for the second film with an additional Rs 4,82,000 for pre-production work.
However, Nahas decided to quit the project citing some other commitments. Despite efforts to mollify, the director stood adamant that he would not direct the second movie for the production house.
With all attempts going awry, the producers approached the court demanding compensation of Rs 50 lakhs including interest payment which would make it Rs one crore.
A court summons was sent to Director Nahas on the petition and he was directed to appear on August 6. Meanwhile, Nahas denied news about getting the summons.
‘RDX’ had earlier courted controversy after Tripunithura native Anjana Abraham filed a police complaint against producer Sophia Paul. It was alleged that despite the investment of 6 crore rupees for the film, the profit share as per the contract was not paid.