THRISSUR: A young woman fled with Rs 20 crore from the company where she worked. Dhanya Mohan, a native of Nellimukk, Thirumullavaram, Kollam, who is the assistant general manager of Thrissur Valappad Manappuram Comptech and Consultant Ltd., has committed a massive fraud. On the complaint filed by the company, Valappad police has registered a case and intensified the investigation. A seven-member team headed by the CI will investigate the case.
She has been an employee of the organization for the past 18 years. According to the police, Rs 19.94 crore was stolen from the company's digital personal loan account by making fake loans from May 2020. The fraud was done by transferring money to various accounts of her father and brother. When she realized that she would be caught, she feigned physical difficulties and left the office and absconded.
Dhanya is believed to have bought luxury items including land and a house. She has been living in a house near the Thiruppazhancherry temple for the past 18 years. The young woman was staying here before she went into hiding.