THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Health Minister Veena George has said that the Safe Hospital and Safe Campus initiative has been launched in all medical college campuses in the state. It is implemented by involving all institutions under the Department of Medical Education. Teachers, students, technical staff, other staff and volunteers participated in the campaign. The minister also said that the safety of lifts and other equipment is being ensured under the leadership of respective Electrical AEs.
The aim is to ensure safety in hospitals by strengthening safety audits, ensuring proper discharge of responsibilities by staff, creating a patient-friendly environment and clean campuses. It also aims to prevent infectious diseases from the campus and provide students with a disease-free learning environment.
Various cleaning activities are also being carried out, including cleaning the students' hostels and premises, removing plants and other things growing in the hospital buildings, replacing old water tanks. A meeting will be held next week under the leadership of medical college principals and superintendents to evaluate these activities and take further steps. The meeting will finalize the guidelines for the Safe Hospitals Initiative.