KOCHI: Kochi City Cyber Police has arrested one of the admins of the infamous Tamil Rockers group for filming movies from the theatre and then sending them through social media groups. Jeb Stephen Raj (33), a native of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, was arrested. Thiruvananthapuram Cyber Police took him into custody from a prominent theatre in the city, where he was furtively recording Dhanush’s latest movie ‘Raayan’.
He was brought to Kochi on Saturday and is being interrogated.
Earlier, a pirated version of the movie 'Guruvayur Ambalanadayil' was released on social media just one day after the movie's theatrical release. Supriya Menon, one of the producers, filed a complaint with the Cyber Police demanding an investigation into this.
This investigation ended up with police arresting Jeb Stephen. The police found that he had pirated versions of movies like Maharaja and Kalki. The cyber forensics department will examine the accused's mobile phone.
The pirated versions often seen in Tamilrockers are of high quality. The cabal uses the cup holder in the theatre seats to fix their phone and record the film without anyone’s knowing.
Jeb Stephen received Rs 5000 from the Tamil Rockers website for every new movie uploaded. For more than one and half years, Jeb has been working at a hotel in Thiruvananthapuram but was also covertly in nexus with such gangs.
The first show of the movie will be booked days in advance. The team will then exchange the pirated copy of the movie to the members through WhatsApp. Police said that Jeb has been using a phone worth more than a lakh in the market.